Wednesday 14 August 2013

Thursday 14th August 2013

Devotions - The Lord's Will is not simply our happiness
Jeremiah 20: 13-14

13Sing to the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
For though I was poor and needy,
he rescued me from my oppressors.
14Yet I curse the day I was born!
May no one celebrate the day of my birth.

Jeremiah was assigned a painful task by God. To be isolated from his peers. To bring news of destruction. It brought him to the end of himself 20:18 "Why was I ever born, my entire life has been filled with trouble, sorrow, shame", yet he praised the Lord.
Life is not about finding earthly happiness. In God's grace, he may give that to us in our pursuit of His purpose. But his will is greater than ours.
"Lord, I submit my will to yours. Lead my heart and mind to follow your will for your purpose. Father expose my will in me, and help me submit it for your glory. Amen"

What I learned Today
God is teaching me in the last few days to be more assertive. I often give other people a lot of lattitude because they are trying to explain something and I'm so gracious that I give them lots of space. But really they are looking my direction and often I do have a lot to offer. Don't be afraid to break in and steer